Meeting Minutes September 2023

Evergreen Township Minutes September 11th, 2023

The Evergreen Township Board met September 11th for their regular meeting at St. Paul’s Evergreen Church.  Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer,  Scott Ulschmid and Brett Jepson.

Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $164,197.22.  Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott.  All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows:  Lake Region Electric $32.77  for electric at town hall,  Dan Oelfke $4252.50 for 31.5 hours of road blading,  Midwest Specialties $4438 for 317 yds of class 5 gravel, LM Road Services $2477.50 for ditch brush spraying, Jeff Holmer $75 for 1 beaver in Collette Creek, Allen Engle $198 for 66 gophers, Crist Miller $54 for 18 gophers, Rana Holmer $1869 for 623 gophers, Scott Ulschmid $157.41 for cell and mileage reimburse, Brett Jepson  $77.50 for cell and mileage reimburse, Todd Holmer $105 for cell and mileage reimburse, Betty Janke $50.00 for computer reimburse,  Rana Holmer $125.00 for computer  reimburse,  PERA $320.00 for quarterly DCP, and total board wages of $2291.97.  Todd motion to transfer $17,000 second by Scott,  all present in favor.

Reopened the Annual Meeting to set Road & Bridge Levy:  After a discussion on road conditions and increase in costs.  Rana mentioned that what has killed our budget is the last 2 winters where we have spent $25,937.50 and $28,315 on snowplowing and pushing back snow.  Compared to the winter of 2020-2021 where we spent $3834.  We also have spent all the $39,450.88 of ARPA funds on road projects this summer, so that money is no longer available.  Scott motioned to raise the road & bridge levy to $85,000 an increase of $10,000, second by Brett, all present in favor. Todd motion to adjourn Annual Meeting, Rana second, all present in favor.

Scott went to the District meeting in Dilworth.  He said that MAT is still working on the $800,000 that was stolen.  They do know the money stayed in the US.  They also talked about the email going around from Bob Pickle.  Apparently he has done things in the past like this and is trying to get money from MAT.  MAT is looking for pictures of worst roads to send to MN legislative to demonstrate need for more road aid to townships.  Steve Green was at the meeting and is very frustrated with the legislative activity this year.  Scott also received a call from Paul Sweere saying his mailbox was knocked down by the ditch mower.  Mike Rux also talked to him about his issue with the ditch spraying.   Mentioned that the Pioneer Grounds is still interested in our town hall.  They are working on grants to get it moved.

Todd talked to Dan about making 3 passes on 460th due to increase in summer traffic with Hwy 34 closed.  Collette Creek culvert was plugged again and Jeff caught another beaver in it.  Merle contacted on 8/24 and is done gravelling.  Dan was called to blade everything out.  Mike Rux called about the ditch spraying in front of his house.  He doesn’t want any spraying done there.  Todd told him to maintain the brush and the noxious weeds and we will not spray there, but if we see any brush or weeds it will be sprayed.  Todd & Brett received calls regarding washboards on roads.  Rana & Todd drove all of our roads and some of Spruce Grove and Wolf Lake township.  Our roads had the least washboard issues.  Residents need to understand when it is dry the roads are difficult to blade.  Brett also drove some other township roads and ours were not the worst ones.  If residents complain we will send them to those really washboard roads in other townships and then see what they think after that about our roads.  On 9/10 Todd left a message for Dwight regarding snowplowing this winter. Merle also called to see if we had any more gravel needs this year.  Told him I didn’t think so, but would know after 9/11 meeting.

Rana researched what the $3860.50 revenue payment from the State last month was for.  It is the first half of our Township Government Aid for this year.  The second half will come in December.  Next year’s payment will actually be lower at $6,740.  Todd motion to accept our annual road mileage certification for the county at 24.080 miles, second by Scott.  

 Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk