Meeting Minutes June 2023
Evergreen Township Minutes June 12th, 2023
The Evergreen Township Board met June 12th for their regular meeting at St. Paul’s Evergreen Church. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid, Brett Jepson.
Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read with one update to the price of the culvert. It should be $240 not $2400.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $180,513.69. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Brett. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $31.26 for electric at town hall, L & M Road Services for ditch brush cutting $15,232, City of Frazee $8096.74 for fire contract & $4051.06 for Capital Improvement Fund, Brody Holmer $30 for website updates, Rana Holmer $1026 for 342 gophers, Jeff Holmer $75 for 1 beaver, Scott Ulschmid $77.50 for quarterly mileage & cell reimburse, Brett Jepson $ 277.50 for chainsaw use, quarterly mileage & cell reimburse, Todd Holmer $205 for chainsaw, quarterly mileage & cell reimburse, Betty Janke $50 for computer reimburse, Rana Holmer $250.15 for mileage, computer and Gov’t Manual reimburse, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Evergreen $700 for 2023 donation using facility for meetings, Pera $395 for quarterly DCP, Dan Oelfke $4,725.00 for 35 hours of road blading , and $3,133.92 in total board wages. Todd motion to transfer $38,000 from savings to checking Scott second. All present in favor.
We received a thank you from Frazee Rescue for the donation. Demographics information shows population estimate of township as 407 with 126 households. These numbers are an increase of 5 people and 1 residence.
Todd called zoning regarding large gathering issue that happens every year on Memorial Day weekend on Scott Hofland’s land. Zoning transferred him to Auditor -Treasurer, who then transferred to Sheriff’s dept Sargent Dan May who said we can’t do much as they aren’t blocking roads and not more than 18 hours long. Brett did agree that it has downsized in the last couple years. In short not much we can do about it at this time. Also received a call from Sandy Rux complaining about ditch brushing. On 5/9 got a call from Dwight saying 460th probably didn’t need more gravel. On 5/10 Dwight called saying 460th turned to muck after the rain. Todd told Dwight to blade it out after it dries some and will do it for same price as Dan. Ryan Ostermann also called regarding adding a culvert for the Briard’s off of 460th , he will add a culvert if needed, Todd approved it. On 5/18 ordered replacement road signs for 100th st. On 5/19 L & M called and said we should consider spraying next year for the brush as this will cut down on brush clipping. Also discovered culvert blocked again on Collette Creek. Talked to Dwight on 5/20 and he is now figuring to do 430th road project in August and he said we could still gravel it before the work is done. Also said 460th north of 150th could probably use gravel in the soft spot area. 6/11 Bill Lindow wants to add a culvert off of 440th and will use a 18” culvert. Todd approved it. Kyle King called regarding dust control on 140th in front of his place. Todd approved with Kyle covering the cost.. On 5/30 the signs arrived and they were wrong, so sending them both back for an exchange at M & R Signs expense. L & M Road Services also called about maybe clipping our ditches. Checked with Jeremy and he was happy to get the ditch clipping off his plate, so told L & M yes and the price saves us $840 per year as they charge $45 per center line mile. On 6/7 Brett called regarding a hole on 440th N and Hwy 87. Todd filled the hole and contacted Tom Pace with MN Dot as the edge of road needs more fill due to settling. Brett also mentioned a few rocks softball size and slightly larger on 460th in the new gravel. His daughter picked them off the road. Todd talked to Merle. On 6/9 we completed weed inspection on south side of 87, quite a few thistles and sent 1 tansy notice. On 6/12 called Grant Graham to see if he’d be available to pack gravel on 120th east end but he is booked rest of summer.
Supervisor’s discussed more gravel this year. Todd motioned to do 54 yds on 110th west of 39 , 54 yds on 440th by Bloomer’s and 200 yds or less on 120th east of 41. Scott second.
Scott mentioned a resident called concerned about farm equipment in right of way by Ron Malvick’s on Balsam Ave. He will check into how to contact Ron.
Todd mentioned he does not want an increase in the Chairman pay as he thinks it is sufficient at this time.
Rana mentioned that she talked to Marvin Byer regarding his equipment parked in the approach by Stanley Malikowski’s mailbox. He said it broke down there last fall. He will not park there in the future.
Todd also mentioned spraying the thistles with Round up at the town hall.
Todd motion we pay to get the safety deposit box drilled out and buy a fire proof box for the contents as we are still unable to find the key. Brett second. Rana will have to work on getting it set up a day she is off work.
Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn. Brett second. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk