Meeting Minutes July 2023

Evergreen Township Minutes July  10th, 2023

The Evergreen Township Board met July 10th for their regular meeting at St Paul’s Evergreen Church. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer,  Scott Ulschmid & Brett Jepson.

Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $209,336.16. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott.  All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows:  Lake Region Electric $31.79 for electric at town hall,  Dan Oelfke $4725.00 for 35 hours of road blading, Carter Aho $243.00 for 81 gophers, Jeff Holmer $75.00 for 1 beaver in Collette Creek Culvert, MN Assn of Townships $1236.00 for liability insurance, M-R Sign Company $144.61 for stop ahead, wt limit sign and hardware, Becker County Auditor $4036.12 for assessing in 2022 and $420.97 in total board wages.  No funds need to be transferred due to County direct deposit into checking account. All present in favor.  Todd motion to transfer $55,000 from our checking to the savings acct, due to higher interest.  Second by Scott.  All present in favor.

Brett mentioned a Bob Keranen  & Scott Skaro would be interested in grading our roads. Bob currently does Spruce Grove and charges $125/hour.  Scott Skaro does Wolf Lake and charges $100 per hour.  Neither of them will do snow plowing though. Todd said it is nice to have options, but doesn’t want to change in the middle of the year. We will  keep these guys in mind for next year potentially.  Brett also checked 140th St where Mickelson’s want to add an approach.  He felt they need an 18” culvert in the location.  He also said his nephew, Lukas, is putting in an approach off of 460th Ave to his property.

Todd checked Balsam after June meeting and only equipment in right of way was Ron Perrine’s drag.  He contacted Ron and he will get it moved.  Also talked to Dan Oelfke about cutting deeper on the roads to help with washboards.  He had no issues doing it.  On 6/14 talked to Jed Sazama regarding dust control on 120th in front of his house.  Noted on 7/1 that someone backed up to north end of town hall and door was open and mailbox posts are missing.  On 7/8 talked to Merle about gravel bill and he said he will have one next month.  L & M should be clipping  ditches this week.

Rana mentioned Wolf Lake Rescue looking for donations to help them get a newer rig.  After discussion regarding them doing most of our township, Todd motioned $500 in August for the fund.  Scott second.  All present in favor.

Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk