May 2018 Minutes
Evergreen Township Minutes May 14th, 2018
The Evergreen Township Board met May 14th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana Holmer’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid, Steve Wilkowski Jr.
Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $91,867.76. Scott made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Todd. All present in favor.
Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $32.19 for electric at town hall, Dennis Drewes Inc $250 for 2.5 hours of snow plowing, Dan Oelfke $1440.00 for 16 hours of road blading, Frazee Rescue $800 and Wolf Lake Rescue $1750 for 2018 donations, Rana Holmer $825.00 for 300 gophers, Todd Holmer $140.32 for flagging and steaming culverts. Todd motion to transfer $5200.00 second by Scott. All present in favor.
Rana reported that the website has had a total of 190 visitors for a total of 653 visits in the last 365 days, 107 visitors in last 30 days for 204 visits. Seems to be having a positive response.
Rana has set up Betty Janke, Julie Slevin and herself as election judges. Todd motion to accept the judges with a second by Scott. Rana discussed the payment for the judges has been set at $15 an hour in the past, but felt that should increase to be more in line with other townships and as an incentive to find judges. Suggested doing a flat rate of $75 for the training and each election, which for the 4 hour training will be $18.75 per hour. The elections vary time wise but are usually complete within 3 hours. Scott motion to increase to flat fee of $75 for each election and training. Second by Todd.
Betty mentioned that the bank is now charging us $5 for each bank statement. Rana could print these off for her. Todd motion to go electronic statements. Second by Scott.
Rana did check the road records and 440th past Korth’s driveway is Minimum Maintenance. Todd motion to add a Minimum Maintenance sign past Korth’s. Scott second. Todd will call Grant to do it.
Todd reported on 4/19 of report of water running over 450th near the driveway that is near the north end(old Rux place). He flagged the area for now. He discovered a few days later that there is actually a culvert in the area that was missed when we had them marked. Todd motion to add culvert markers, second by Scott. On 4/20 Buck Jepson reported water on edge of road due to frozen culvert. Todd called the County and had it steamed. On 5/8 reported that 120th st before Ken Rader’s driveway is tore up from tractor’s hauling to the field farther down the road.
Tentatively set the road review for 5/21 at 6pm meet at the Townhall. Hoping to get rain before that. Todd made some suggestions of roads that he feels will need gravel this year and can get Merle started ASAP on hauling us some gravel.. Todd motioned to do Balsam from Hwy 87 to the end and 120th st from Cty Rd 41 to end of minimum maintenance part. Scott second. Steve will call Merle to start on these roads. Todd also motioned to do 100th st from Malikowski’s to our line approximately 2.5 miles, 120th st from 39 to 41 and 450th ave from 87 to the corner approximately 1 mile contingent on the road review. Scott second.
Calcium Chloride was brought up again at the Cty Association Meeting, Todd still feels that the residents should have to pay a percentage, just like the residents on county roads are charged approximately 50%, but does believe there could be benefits to the road and the surrounding residents. We don’t have the tax base to be covering those costs unless we drastically raise our road and bridge taxes.
Scott reported that he called in the fire that was in the ditch by Jerron Aschnewitz’s driveway on Hwy 87. It was thought to have started by the power pole. Heavy smoke reduced visibility over the highway.
Recycling meeting is on May 31 at 7 pm at the courthouse. From 1-4 that afternoon the new Recycling sorting center will be having an open house.
Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk