January 2019 Minutes
Evergreen Township Minutes January 14, 2019
The Evergreen Township Board met January 14th for their regular meeting at Betty Janke’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid, Steve Wilkowksi Jr & Dwight Drewes.
Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $110,939.57. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $35.30 for electric at town hall, Dennis Drewes Inc $2700 for 27 hours of snow plowing/ice scraping, Becker County Assn of Townships $621.66. for dues, Wes Hegna $3300 for assessing, IRS $295.16 for 944 for 2018, Mn Assn of Townships $1232.00 for liability insurance for 2019, Rana Holmer $81.87 for reimbursement of stamps, envelopes, paper, website domain and privacy protection annual renewal. Todd motion to transfer $8,300 second by Scott. All present in favor.
Rana mentioned that she mailed the annual work comp report in on 1/10/19. Also that we received a reminder letter from Becker County that our Board of Review will be open book and held at the courthouse. Next month we will audit the books in preparation for the Annual Meeting that will be held on March 12th at 7pm at Todd & Rana’s. The posting for the annual meeting will be in the Frazee paper on the 20th and 27th. Rana also brought info regarding the usage of our website since it has been live for a year. We had 562 visitors for a total of 1,994 visits. The top pages that were viewed were the link to Becker County GIS map with 98 visits, Policies with 82 visits, General Info 82 visits, and History with 79 visits. The Meeting Minute totals were per the month viewed, so if they were added together they would be the top item viewed.
Todd said he received a call from Buck Jepson that 460th was very slippery and the milk truck was having issues on the road. Todd checked with Steve and Scott and then called Dwight Drewes to have him scrap the ice off. If they are still slippery after that we may need to get some sand for the intersections. Todd mentioned that he noticed a loose culvert marker on 440th in between Palmer’s and the Town Hall.
Betty received a request from Becker County to fill out a form to have our distributions from them to be direct deposited. Steve motioned to have future distributions direct deposited. Rana will complete the form and mail in with a voided check.
Steve received a call from Phil Mickelson regarding having their road plowed first so their employees can get in and out. Dwight said he does Cedar, Balsam and then does theirs next, so they are close to the top of the list already. Rana asked if the problem had been on the afternoon of the big snow storm or if it was the next morning. When she came home from work in the afternoon no other township roads were plowed either and there was no travel advised, but roads were plowed overnight and good in the morning. Todd said he doesn’t want to change Dwight’s route as not everybody can be first and it gets difficult to please everyone.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk