September 2018 Minutes
Evergreen Township Minutes September 10th, 2018
The Evergreen Township Board met September 10th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana Holmer’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid and Steve Wilkowski Jr.
Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $77,394.72. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $33.53 for electric at town hall, Dan Oelfke $3195.00 for 35.5 hours of road blading, Midwest Specialties $5940.00 for 540 yds class 5 gravel, Scott Ulschmid $166.88 for cell and mileage reimburse, Steve Wilkowski jr $165.00 for cell and mileage reimburse and 2 beavers, Todd Holmer $127.50 for cell, mileage and machine use reimburse, Betty Janke $75.00 for computer and mileage reimburse, Rana Holmer $175.00 for mileage and computer reimburse, Becker County Auditor-Treasurer $339.04 for election supplies/ballots/mailing, PERA $257.50 for quarterly DCP, and total board wages of $2064.63. Todd motion to transfer $12,500.00 second by Scott. All present in favor.
Todd did call Dan regarding pulling edges in on 110th st. It has been completed and the gravel is on the road. Received 3 calls regarding gophers on Ben & Dayna Wacker’s. Caller’s did not want to share their names and thought the land was in CRP. Todd informed them that the township has no power to get a resident to manage gophers but, if the land is in CRP they should contact the FSA office to report it. Called L & M Road Services to remind them to clip road 410th Ave since they missed it this spring. Received a call from a resident expressing concern over some farm equipment taking up the whole township road and almost causing an Amish buggy to tip over. Told them the board can’t really do anything and it would need to be reported to the police to deal with.
Steve caught 2 beavers in the Collette Creek culvert and cleaned the dam out and hasn’t seen any beavers back in the culvert for now. Todd thinks they are building dams farther back from the road on our property.
Scott went to the District 9 meeting by Alexandria. Several politicians spoke at the event. One supervisor was upset up sex offenders being released back into the public and questioned every politician regarding their views on that subject. Steve Fenske from MAT spoke and said that a 35 million dollar bill in road grants was passed by the state government, but when they reworded it prior to release it actually was only a 20 million dollars. Most people at the meeting felt the new bills benefited the politicians more than the citizens.
Scott also mentioned the lack of mowing at the townhall and asked if someone was supposed to mow. Dwight Drewes has said he would mow it but he hasn’t been there since June.
Todd said Merle was planning to be back next summer to haul gravel. Steve did talk to Arlen Huwe regarding 120th in Corliss by Jesse Wilkowski’s not being maintained. Arlen will check into it.
Only Todd and Betty filed for the 2 board openings.
A Paulette Gerken emailed the township and is looking for an Evergreen Township History Book. Suggested checking with Carol Litzau to see if she has any left or to look in the old storage room at the town hall. Steve will check that on his way home tonight. Rana will check with Carol. Otherwise I will check to see what she is looking for and maybe just scan pages from my book. She was very happy that we had a website with contact information on it for her!
Annual Meeting Road & Bridge Levy: After a discussion on rising costs and future road maintenance, Todd motioned to increase the levy to $75,000, second by Steve. All present in favor. This is an increase of $9,000.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk