October 2019 Meeting Minutes
Evergreen Township Minutes October 14th, 2019
The Evergreen Township Board met October 14th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana Holmer’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid & Steve Wilkowski Jr.
Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $68,736.79. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $33.02 for electric at town hall, Dan Oelfke $3150.00 for 31.5 hours of road blading, Levi Miller $244.75 for 89 gophers, Maggie Ulschmid $82.50 for 30 gophers, Reece Ulschmid $38.50 for 14 gophers and Becker County Auditor Treasurer $368.16 for 2018 General Election ballots. Todd motion to transfer $4,000.00 second by Scott. All present in favor.
There is a Becker County Township Assn meeting at the Courthouse on October 30th at 7pm. Will check closer to the date to see who is able to go. We received a letter from MN Pollution Control regarding a meeting in St Paul regarding their intent to adopt amended use designation rules for Class 2 and Class 7 waters.
Todd received a report from the County Ag inspector, Marsha Watland regarding some Common Tansy she found off of 460th Ave. Todd sent the land owners a notice. When he went over to look at it he found a Wild Parsnip plant in the ditch also. Buck Jepson reported that they have shot 62 beavers by the Red Eye River culvert. The dam is not in the culvert at this time it is on the fence line south of the road. Rory Paurus is interested in putting an approach in off of 430th. He was told to put an 18” steel culvert in since the area has a slope.
Scott reported that Schultz’s on 110th st noted the new gravel was appreciated and they did get the large rocks moved that were in the way for snow plowing.
Steve checked with his Uncle Jesse Wilkowski, that the eastern portion of 120th st did finally receive gravel.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk