Meeting Minutes September 2021

Evergreen Township Minutes September 13th, 2021

The Evergreen Township Board met September 13th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana Holmer’s.  Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer,  Scott Ulschmid and Steve Wilkowski Jr.

Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $175,662.61.  Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott.  All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows:  Lake Region Electric $33.39  for electric at town hall,  Dan Oelfke $3327.50 for 30.25 hours of road blading,  Midwest Specialties $30,120.00 for 2510 yds of class 5 gravel, Ervin Mast $126.50 for 46 gophers, M-R Sign Co $498.76 for double arrow and culvert marker signs, Scott Ulschmid $123.42 for cell and mileage reimburse, Steve Wilkowski jr $105.00 for cell and mileage reimburse, Todd Holmer $77.50 for cell, mileage reimburse, Betty Janke $74.99 for computer & receipt book reimburse,  Rana Holmer $125.00 for computer and mileage reimburse,  PERA $242.50 for quarterly DCP, and total board wages of $2268.58.  Todd motion to transfer $37,000 from savings to checking, second by Scott.

Reopened the Annual Meeting to set Road & Bridge Levy:  After a discussion on road conditions.  Todd motioned to leave the road & bridge levy at $75,000, second by Steve.  Rana motion to adjourn Annual Meeting, all in favor.

Todd received several calls this month: 8/11 Ray Jepson complaint of washboards on 460th explained part of problem is it is too dry to blade it correctly, but called Dan to have him blade anyway; 8/14 Tim Wagenman on spray from SWCD for his Wild Parsnip delivered it to him; 8/17 noticed the double arrow sign on end 120th st/end of 430th st is missing and apprx 40 culvert markers on 430th, 440th, 120th & 100th     , ordered new signs and tried some anti theft bolts & nuts; 8/18 call from Frazee Fire Dept that well hook up on Ingvalson’s not working,  problem was the off peak was on; 8/21 call from Ross Hetherington regarding end of 120th greasy again says tested soil and is 70% clay;  Jesse Wilkowski called informing that road grader for Spruce Grove isn’t coming all the way down the road, called Arlen Huwe and he will take care of it; 9/2 Ross Hetherington called again about getting another soil test told him we would need a copy of the results if he does it & LM Road Services called to see if we wanted ditches sprayed for weeds, told them not this year.

Todd did talk to the MAT attorney Steve Fenske and we are not required to have septic or water at a Town Hall if we decide to build a new one.  Also showed Steve & Scott the anti theft nuts for the signs to see if they would like to get more as they are about $.80 each plus the shipping.  Steve motion for Todd to order 46 of them, second by Scott.

Steve talked to Curt Schroeer regarding possibly packing the end of 120th st by Ross Hetherington’s.  He doesn’t have a packer anymore. Also called Dwight Drewes about it and he does have a packer, but is using it on a road project.  Both of them think the problem is the lack of rain and feel that if we would get rain and blade it it should pack better.  Otherwise Dwight said he could pack it later this Fall if need be.  Also talked to Torey Sonnenberg regarding the ditches still not clipped.  He said he had a couple employees quit and had jobs to finish and difficulty getting equipment hauled here.  Said he will do it just one time in September.

Scott went to the District meeting in Cormorant in August.  Main topics were the ARPA funds and said the guidelines are still changing on what the money can be spent on and the biggest issue with signing up was getting the DUNS number.

Supervisor’s discussed end of 120th st by Ross Hetherington’s.  Steve mentioned that Grant Graham also has a packer on his skid steer.  At this point we have decided to wait and see after some rains if is still needs more gravel or packing yet this Fall.  We may need to consider putting a ditch in where Craig Bruns has an approach to his field and move his approach to the west to help the water run off the road better.

Board is considering spending the ARPA funds on a new TownHall.  Thoughts are to make it the size of a 2 stall garage 28 x 28 with one overhead door for storage of signs and etc. And 1 side with a service door.  Will work on estimates this winter.

Steve motioned to pass a resolution for our polling place to stay at the Becker County Courthouse, second by Todd, all present in favor.

 Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk