Meeting Minutes September 2020
Evergreen Township Minutes September 14th, 2020
The Evergreen Township Board met September 14th for their regular meeting at the Town Hall in order to meet Covid 19 distancing requirements. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid and Steve Wilkowski Jr.
Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $125,021.38. Betty corrected the August balance on hand to $129,586.85 , which was previously stated as $129, 582.85. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $33.23 for electric at town hall, Dan Oelfke $3450.00 for 34.5 hours of road blading, Levi Miller $283.25 for 103 gophers, Midwest Specialties $19,251.00 for 1674 yds of class 5 gravel, Allen Engle $302.50 for 110 gophers, Julie Slevin $150.00 for election training and primary election judging, Scott Ulschmid $77.50 for cell and mileage reimburse, Steve Wilkowski jr $105.00 for cell and mileage reimburse, Todd Holmer $127.50 for cell, mileage and chainsaw use reimburse, Betty Janke $50 for computer reimburse, Rana Holmer $125.00 for computer and mileage reimburse, PERA $216.26 for quarterly DCP, and total board wages of $1511.06. No need to transfer this month.
Reopened the Annual Meeting to set Road & Bridge Levy: After a discussion on road conditions. Todd motioned to leave the road & bridge levy at $75,000, second by Steve. Rana motion to adjourn Annual Meeting all in favor.
Rana brought up that the county would be able to use our Covid-19 funds for grants and projects in the county, if we pass a resolution to transfer them our funds. They are then responsible to keep track of where the funds are spent. Todd mentioned that he liked the idea that the funds would at least be used in Becker County benefitting our area businesses. Steve motioned to pass the resolution to accept the Covid 19 State funds and transfer them to Becker County. Todd second and all present in favor. Rana will get the paperwork faxed to the State and the County tomorrow, which is the deadline.
MATIT contacted us and is going to be coming in October to do a visual check of our town hall for the property insurance. Todd will meet with them when they come.
Todd called Roger Quittschreiber August 11th regarding where the snowplow will be turning around at the end of Fir Ave. Last year the plow was going into the yard and this year he will not be going in there, but stopping where the road turns into the yard. Also received a call from Dan Oelfke upset because Buck Jepson was complaining in public about the washboards on 460th and said he could do a better job. Calmed Dan down and then contacted Buck regarding if he has complaints to call one of the Supervisors first. The road was checked and had minimal amount of washboards. Steve also had a call from Buck saying that Dan wasn’t cutting the washboards out enough. Todd called Dwight and told him we approved the $8 per hour increase for snowplowing. Todd has been cleaning the culvert out on Collette Creek due to beavers blocking it up. Steve doesn’t have his traps or time to trap and said to ask Jeff Holmer to come do it. Todd contacted Jeff and he is willing to do it. On Sept 6th Todd received a call from Jim Rader regarding the fence laws. He was informed that the new laws from 2017 only requiring the landowner with livestock to maintain the fences. Steve also received a call from Jesse Wilkowski regarding the fence laws and he was also told the same thing. Jesse had rented pasture out this year and the cattle got out onto Jim’s food plot. Jim did tell Jesse he would repair the fence this time, but not anymore. Todd also talked to Marsha Watland regarding chemical needed to spray our ditches. She said L & M has had a tough time getting out because it has been so windy. Todd talked to Merle regarding hauling some gravel on the fire road into the irrigator water hook up. He will do it after the corn is chopped. Dan will then blade it out and blade the east end of 120th st where it was formerly minimum maintenance. This has been completed already.
Scott talked to Paul Sweere on September 14th regarding him pushing snow across 150th st. He will either push snow to the west of the mailbox or move the mailbox over tho make it easier for him to plow his driveway and not leave a bank on the road. Todd mentioned he checked Lowell Baumgart’s mailbox the other day and it is attached to the pole so not sure how it comes off when snow is plowed, Steve agreed that we should leave his mailbox alone, but we need to make sure we can turn around without driving the plow right into his main yard area.
Rana mentioned that starting with the October meeting we will want to do that somewhere else. Rana & Todd will have it at their house since it is more open ,so we can meet the distancing ,if a resident did come to the meeting. We can always change to Betty’s later in the winter.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk