Meeting Minutes- March 2024

Evergreen Township Minutes March 12th, 2024

The Evergreen Township Board met March 12th for their regular meeting at St. Paul’s Evergreen Church.  Present were: Todd & Rana Holmer, Betty Janke, Dwight Drewes, Brett & Erica Jepson, Donna Ulschmid & Scott Ulschmid

Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $189,761.61. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott.  All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows:  Lake Region Electric $49.32 for electric at town hall, Julie Slevin $25 for mileage to PNP training, Dan Oelfke $500 for retainer, PERA $312.50 for quarterly DCP, Becker County Assn of Townships $125.00 for dues, Scott Ulschmid $77.50 for quarterly mileage and cell phone reimburse, Brett Jepson $77.50 for quarterly mileage and cell phone reimburse, Todd Holmer $105.00 for quarterly mileage and cell phone reimburse, Betty Janke $60.00 for computer & mileage reimburse, Rana Holmer $160.00 for computer & mileage  reimburse,  and  $3,223.44 for total board wages & election judge wages.   No money was needed to be transferred since Becker County deposited in our checking account.  

Rana informed that PNP election we had 64 voter’s with zero errors!  Donna asked why she had to select a political party for this election.  Rana explained that is only needed for the Presidential Nomination Primary election.  County Assn Meeting is April 4 at 7. Received a letter from MidMinnesota Credit Union wanting our banking business.  Todd motion to keep at United Community Bank with Brett second.  All present in favor.  Received a postcard from LM Road services and a gravel quote from Merle for $14 per yard delivered, the same as last year.

Erica mentioned that the Commissioners will be looking to designate less restrictions for feedlots.  This should be beneficial to farmers wanting to expand.  This will be brought up at the County Assn Meeting.  They are also looking at an October vote on an updated Comprehensive Plan for the County.

Todd priced signs that would help fire departments with finding our hydrant at Andrew’s irrigation well.  For a hydrant sign that is 12×18 it is $24.45.  We would put 2 on County Rd 39 and 2 on the Fire Road on 120th Ave.  Would also need 1 directional arrow for $19.07.  We would have to call Grant about installing the signs on 120th Ave and will contact Jona from the County to see about putting some on west side of 39.  Scott motion to do the signs second by Brett, all present in favor.  Also did contact LM Road Services about clipping our ditches and weed/brush spraying this summer and they are available.  Listened to the 1st Hazard Mitigation meeting.  There will be 1 more meeting yet.  The main hazards are wildfire, drought, hail, winter storms, high winds and tornado.  Also contacted Jona for estimates on chloriding roads, as a resident asked about it.  To do 12 ft wide for 1 mile is $2750 and 20 ft wide for 1 mile is $4600.  Dan did blade 150th (River Road) and 460th due to manure hauling.  Gave him a list of some other roads that could be done.  Dan figured we could just pay retainer for the month and that would cover his blading.  His rates will remain the same as last year with $135/hour for blading.

Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn. Scott second. All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk