Meeting Minutes July 2021
Evergreen Township Minutes July 12th, 2021
The Evergreen Township Board met July 12th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana Holmer’s. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid and Steve Wilkowski Jr(late).
Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $173,649.94. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $31.91 for electric at town hall, Dan Oelfke $3465.00 for 31.5 hours of road blading, Midwest Specialties $12,624.00 for 1052 yds of gravel, Rana Holmer $55.00 for stamp reimbursement, Todd Holmer $100 for 4-wheeler & Sprayer reimbursement, board wages of $350.81. No funds need to be transferred due to County direct deposit into checking account. All present in favor.
Betty mentioned that we make better interest in the money market versus the savings and should consider moving some of the funds into that account. Todd motion to transfer $50,000 to the money market, second by Scott.
On 6/20 Todd received a call from Ross Hetherington regarding the gravel being extremely soft after the all day light rain we received. He told Todd he was going to go and push it off the road. Todd had Steve check it out and talk to Ross. On 6/21 Debbie Fisher called also regarding soft gravel. Roads were both fine after gravel dried out and was bladed. Just unlucky timing on our part. On 6/25 Todd received a call from Dan on 410th Ave saying Merle dropped on the south end instead of the north. Rana checked it out on her way home and Dan was correct. Todd contacted Merle and he did now dump 4 dump trucks on the north end of 410th Ave as it was easier to turn around in the yard with the dump truck. Merle now finishing Fir and 120th st on east end and has received the map for 460th Ave.
Todd has sent 20 weed notices this year. Mostly knapweed and 1 already turned over to the county ag inspector. There is the potential of 5 more being turned over to the county later this week. Todd and Rana sprayed the ditches on 460th for knapweed & common tansy, 100th st, 440th & 430th Ave sprayed knapweed.
Rana presented the loss revenue for the American Rescue Plan. Evergreen Township would get a total of $40,000 with $20,923 in the loss revenue portion that can just go directly into our general fund. The remaining portion has more stipulations on how it can be spent. The MN Township Assn. recommends applying for the funds and says that there is already Representatives that are going to the Federal Government and asking that roads be added to the list of eligible expenses. All funds would have to be designated by December of 2024 and spent by December of 2026. Todd made a motion for the township to apply for the ARP funds and designate Rana as the point of contact. Second by Scott.
Scott will go to the zoning meeting on 7/13.
We have received nothing from Torey Sonnenberg for liability insurance and he hasn’t contacted yet for a township road map. We are last on his list since we are new customers. Probably be another 3-4 weeks per Steve.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk