Meeting Minutes August 2021

Evergreen Township Minutes August 9th, 2021

The Evergreen Township Board met August 9th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana Holmer’s.  Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Steve Wilkowski Jr, and  Scott Ulschmid.

Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $160,285.85. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd.  All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows:  Lake Region Electric $32.37 for electric at town hall,  Dan Oelfke $3712.50 for 33.75 hours of road blading.  All present in favor.

Rana informed that the Road & Bridge levy that was tabled needs to be decided at the September meeting.  Also mentioned American Rescue Plan request was submitted and we should hear by end of summer.  We also received a request from Mahube for donations for a matching grant they received for a Senior Coordinator in Becker County.  We will bring this up at the Annual Meeting to decide.  Received a letter for the District 9 meeting on August 16th in Cormorant.  Scott is planning to go.

Todd asked Merle for a bill but thought he only had about 50 loads left on 460th Ave and will wait for the September meeting.

On July 16th Todd met with Marsha regarding Rux’s knapweed problem.  Township has sent 26 1st notices this year and 8 of them were turned over to the County and 2 of them are still being monitored.  Most common issues this year were spotted knapweed, common tansy, wild parsnip and leafy spurge.  The one with wild parsnip has received a 10 year treatment plan from the county.  Didn’t send any for hoary alyssum  and only 1 for thistles.  

Todd also noticed some culvert markers missing on 440th Ave.

Steve brought a letter from East Ottertail Soil & Water Conservation on a joint Ottertail River watershed task force requesting any priority concerns we would have as stakeholders.   The deadline is September 24th.  Also heard from Torey that it might be next week and may only need 1 clipping this year dependent upon rainfall and when the first frost happens.  We will be on the list for insurance after this year.

Discussed possibly turning in Townhall roof to insurance and if we should spend our ARP funds on a new Townhall building.  Are biggest concerns are if we need water and septic.  Todd will email the MAT attorney & ask if there are any particular requirements.  Depending on those answers we will look further at next steps such as building removal and building options.

 Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk