Meeting Minutes August 2020
Evergreen Township Minutes August 10th, 2020
The Evergreen Township Board met August 10th for their regular meeting at the Town Hall in order to meet Covid 19 distance requirements. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Steve Wilkowski Jr, and Scott Ulschmid.
Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $129,582.85. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $32.05 for electric at town hall, Dan Oelfke $3350.00 for 33.5 hours of road blading, Reece Ulschmid $33.00 for 12 gophers, Frazee forum $72.80 for Candidate Filing notice, K & T Irrigation for valve installation for fire dept $977.27 & Warren Bachmann $123.75 for 45 gophers. All present in favor.
Steve motion to certify Township Road Certification for the County. Todd second. All present in favor. Rana will mail them their copy back tomorrow.
Rana informed that the Road & Bridge levy that was tabled needs to be decided at the September meeting. Primary tomorrow night Julie and Rana will be judging. Received information on Covid 19 funding for extra township expenses due to virus. Haven’t had any extra expenses at this point.
Todd talked to Dwight regarding snowplowing. He said he would, but wants an $8 an hour raise. Todd motion to raise Dwight’s pay to $108/hour and Steve second the motion. Dwight also mentioned they have some 48” concrete culvert that we may be interested in purchasing for a culvert on 140th st. Supervisors will look into next year. Called Leo with LM Road Services regarding spraying ditches for noxious weeds. Most common weeds are Spotted Knapweed and Common Tansy and 460th. Ray Jepson also called regarding trees on road after rain/wind storm. Todd and Rana cut trees off the road. Talked to Merle and he doesn’t want to be paid this month and figured he would be finished by next month’s meeting. He still had about 200 yds to go on 440th Ave, has middle mile on 120th st and second coat on 430th Ave, 18 yds on east end of 120th st (by Hetherington’s). Todd brought up putting some gravel on road to valve hook up on Ingvalson’s. Board approved 20 yds at this time. Todd mentioned talking to the residents that Dwight had issues with for snowplowing. Todd will call Roger Quittschreiber, Scott will do Paul Sweere and Steve will do Lowell Baumgart.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk