Meeting Minutes April 2023

Evergreen Township Minutes April 10, 2023

The Evergreen Township Board met April 10th for their regular meeting at Betty Janke’s.  Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid & Brett Jepson

Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $206,431.96. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott.  All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows:  Lake Region Electric $33.80 for electric at town hall, Wolf Lake Rescue $1750.00 for annual donation, Frazee Rescue $800 for annual donation, Dennis Drewes Inc $10,490 for 61 hours of snow plowing & 13 hours pushing back snow,  Ryan Osterman $2565.00 for 17.1 hours pushing snow banks back.  Todd motion to transfer $16,000 from savings to checking, Scott second.  All present in favor.

Rana informed of County Association Meeting on 4/27 at 7pm at the courthouse. She can drive for whoever wants to ride with.  ARPA report was filed on 4/5.  Reported that snow removal this year has so far cost $23,975.  Per information we learned at the short course there are employee notice forms for each board member to sign.  Also would like to request that the board pass a resolution on records retention, so we are able to follow the retention schedule set by the government and dispose of or send records to the museum.  Todd motion to follow the records retention schedule, Scott second.  All present in favor.  Rana also brought up meeting pay hasn’t changed since April 2010 and Clerk & Treasurer salaries have not changed since before that, but couldn’t find an exact date.  Todd motion to raise meeting pay to $100, Clerk to $1100/year from $900, Treasurer to $900/year and the day meeting pay and hourly will stay the same.  Second by Brett.  This will be effective starting this pay period.  Rana will bring this up on an annual basis in January, so we can keep better track of it.  

Todd recommended waiting another month on safety deposit box key in order to check with previous clerk when she is back from Florida.  

Todd and Rana drove the roads and so far the roads are looking really good and the culverts are all flowing.  On 3/22 Todd received a call from Ross Hetherington regarding why his snow was not pushed back like it was up to Kenny Rader’s driveway.  Told Ross that we had left that up to the snow plow contractor to decide where it was needed to be pushed back.  Todd called Dwight and he confirmed that he didn’t think it needed to be pushed back.  Todd did get a price from L & M Road Service on spraying noxious weeds for $130/hour + chemicals and brush mowing of $165/hour with 20 ft telescoping arm.  Todd said in the past we have been able to get the chemicals from the OCunty Ag inspector.  Scott motion for brush mowing and weeds to be done by L & M on all the roads.  Second by Todd.  All present in favor. Todd also talked to Dan regarding blading this summer.  Dan would like to go to $135/hour , which is same as Height of Land.  Todd motion to raise Dan to $135, second by Scott.  All present in favor.  

Scott mentioned that we are on the agenda at the church voters meeting regarding our request for usage of the fellowship hall for meetings.  The meeting is on April 23rd after church.  One of the elders had mentioned that maybe we could say a little prayer before our meeting at the church.  Todd has sent an email to MAT attorney Steve Fenske regarding prayer.  Not sure if this request is a good idea as not all residents are members of the church or of the same faith.  This also seems like a violation of church and state.  Rana will check with Corliss board to see how they work with the Corliss Lutheran Church.  Scott also reported that the Pioneer Grounds had a meeting last weekend and yes they do want our town hall.  They needed approval from the City of Perham, which they have received, now they are working on getting the funding to move it.  The board would like to see it moved this year if possible.

Supervisor’s discussed a preliminary road work plan.  Planning on gravel on 460th Ave 2,000 yds and reshape curve, 430th Ave 750 yds and possibly reshape road and move some approaches, middle mile on 120th st and maybe east end of 120th by Ross Hetherington’s.  Todd motion to gravel all these roads if we haven’t heard from Dwight on a quote for road work on 430th and 460th.  Second by Scott.  Board all thought Dwight did a great job plowing this winter with minimal gravel loss.  Rana, Todd, Scott & Brett will meet at the townhall this Friday at 6pm for a road review.  It will be a good introduction of the roads for Brett and we can all see if there is any other roads that need work.

Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk