May 2019 Minutes
Evergreen Township Minutes May 13th, 2019
The Evergreen Township Board met May 13th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana Holmer’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Steve Wilkowski Jr and Dwight Drewes. Scott Ulschmid was absent.
Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $101,407.01. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Steve. All present in favor.
Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $32.32 for electric at town hall, Dennis Drewes Inc $1110.00 for 10 hours of snow plowing and 1 hour for loader, Dan Oelfke $1750.00 for 17.5 hours of road blading, Bob Mickelson $217.25 for 79 gophers, Eric Laine $297.00 for 108 gophers, Becker County Highway Dept $58.89 for steaming culvert, Rana Holmer $30.01 for flagging material reimbursement, Todd Holmer $140.32 for hours worked. Todd motion to transfer $3600.00 second by Steve. All present in favor.
Todd received calls: 4/23- Jesse Wilkowski stopped over for a burn permit and mentioned that Dale Huwe from the Spruce Grove Townboard said they didn’t have to put gravel on our end of 120th st.; 4/25 Kris Engle called he is putting an approach on 150th st with a culvert as he will be building a house this summer, Todd said that was fine; 4/30-Kyle King reported several soft spots on 450th and 140th since Mickelson’s hauled turkeys out night before, Todd went and flagged; 5/6- Dan Cooper on 450th ave called and reported that his driveway had been bladed without his permission, Todd checked out and informed Steve. Calmed the Cooper’s down and talked to Dan Oelfke. Dan Oelfke called the Cooper’s and they seem to have worked it out. We will make sure it is satisfactory to the Cooper’s; 5/7- Called the MAT regarding road incident yesterday and they advised we update contracts with contractor’s and sent us a generic one to work with; 5/9 Rana received a voicemail from Becker County zoning regarding 125th st sign, Todd contacted them and since the road was officially vacated by the township in 1999 the sign should be removed since the road doesn’t exist anymore; 5/10 Todd called Jona at County Highway Dept regarding 125th st, he referred Todd to MNDOT but said removing it ourselves would be the quickest; 5/13- Mike Baumgart called and requested an overweight permit to haul fill from his Dad’s(Lowell) on 110th st, 440th Ave, 100th st and Juniper roads affected.
Todd did call SilverLeaf Township ditch mower, Stewart Jorgenson, but he doesn’t want to take anymore townships on at this time. He also called Jona at Becker County Hwy Dept and informed that their new contractor is Harlan Hendrickson, Cro’s Services. Todd talked to him and he is already a little overwhelmed with the County job and not wanting more work either.
Steve will call Arlen Huwe regarding 120th st and also call Vance Bachmann on who their ditch mower is. Steve talked to Merle Hough about gravel this year. He is going to raise he rate up .50 per yard to $11.50 per yard. Supervisor’s feel that is still a good price.
Rana said she has looked and has not been able to find the original road agreement with Spruce Grove Township. If Spruce Grove can’t find it either, we should probably just update it so we both have new copies so there is no confusion on what we both need to be doing.
Supervisor’s did a road review on Saturday 5/11. Here is a list of roads that could use gravel this year:
500 yds on 150th st by Ostermann’s
2000 yds on 450th ave & 140th st to hill west of Mickelson’s
2000 yds on 460th ave (2 in to maintain) Hwy 87 to Cty Rd 151
36 yds 150th st near Marjamaa’s
250 yds on 110th st near Schultz’s yard
600 yds on 120th st from Hwy 39 to 430th ave.
Steve motion to start with the 2000 yds on 450th ave and 140th since they have the greatest need and Merle has some gravel available right now and crushing more in June. Second by Todd. Steve will call Merle and get him a map. Todd will flag it. Steve will tell Merle to give us a heads up so we can have Dan pull the shoulders in and make sure the crown is down. Projecting the next roads for gravel will be 460th and 150th by Marjamaa’s, but will decide in June for sure. Will be based on need and traffic amounts.
Dwight said he will mow the townhall again. He said the part that takes the longest is clipping around the buildings and etc. Todd said he will go and spray those areas with RoundUp so we won’t need to clip. If Dwight gets really busy and can’t mow this summer he will let Todd know. Dwight said there may be a new gravel pit opening up north on cty hwy 39, so that could be a possible option in the future.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk