2023 Annual Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/12/2024

         Evergreen Township Annual Meeting Minutes 2023

The Evergreen Township Annual Meeting was held March 14, 2023 at Todd & Rana Holmer’s house at 42985 120th St.  Present was: Brandon Nelson(FFD) , Tyler King(FFD), Betty Janke, Scott Ulschmid, Todd & Rana Holmer, Brett Jepson, Eric Brainard, Mark Brainard, Marianne Brainard, Laura Eusminger, John Eusminger & Dwight Drewes.  

The clerk called the meeting to order and requested a nomination of a moderator. Todd nominated Dwight Drewes and Scott second.  All present in favor. The agenda was updated again this year to let the guests speak first.

Tyler reported there was 6 calls in Evergreen in 2022. They are still looking for more volunteers to join the department and have expanded the miles you live from town, so even someone from our area could join.  There was a total of 62 calls in 2022,which was down some from 72 in 2021.  They have the new fire truck which a portion was paid for with a grant.  They should have a new grass fire rig and a water utility truck in May of this year.  They also have their annual auction fundraiser on April 15th.  They commented that they really appreciated the township putting in a water hook up for them on Andrew Ingvalson’s irrigation well.  It has been used a few times already.

The minutes from the Annual Meeting in 2022 were read by the clerk.  Todd motion to approve the minutes, second by Scott.  All present in favor.  The treasurer gave her report of all monies received, all monies paid out, and all monies on hand in savings and checking.  Balance on hand as of December 31, 2022 is $201,512.42.  Todd made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Road & Bridge:  Todd motioned to tentatively increase the levy to $80,000, but table the final levy approval to the September 11, 2023 regular meeting.  Eric second and all present in favor. Gravelled on Balsam Ave, 410th Ave, 450th Ave, 470th Ave, 140th st, 120th St west mile, 120th st east of 41, 100th st west of 39 & Fire road.  Possibly doing 430th, 460th and 120th st center mile in 2023.  Possible road projects reshape 430th & 460th Ave to make better ditches, move approaches, raise road & fix curves.

Fire & Rescue:  Todd made a motion to raise the levy to $17,500 second by Brett. All present in favor.  Scott motion to raise the donations to Wolf Lake Rescue to $2000 and Frazee Rescue to $1000.  Second by Todd.  All present in favor.  

General Revenue:  Todd motion to leave the levy at $30,000.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.

Gophers:  Todd motion to leave the levy at $6,000.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.

Rana motion to leave the bounty at $3.00 with a landowner signature if the trapper is not a resident of Evergreen.  Second by Todd.  All present in favor.

Newspaper:  Scott motion to leave it with the Frazee Forum.  Second by Todd.  All present in favor.

Postings:  Leave the same with postings at the Town Hall and the Clerk’s house. Motion by Scott, second by Todd.  All present in favor.

Meetings:  Scott motion to leave the meeting times and locations the same.  Second by Todd.  All present in favor.  Meetings May- October at Todd and Rana’s house and the November-April at Betty Janke’s house at 7 p.m. on 2nd Monday of the month.  

Annual Meeting Location & Time:  Todd motion to leave the meeting at 7 p.m. at Todd and Rana’s on 2nd Tuesday of March.  Second by Scott.  2024 Meeting is on March 12th. All present in favor.

Chairman Position:  Todd was elected Chairman by Brett & Scott at the January meeting due to Steve Wilkowski Jr no longer on the board.

New business:  Todd discussed with residents the possibility of building a new townhall or seeing if we can lease a meeting area in the church.  If we were to build a townhall we could use the $39,000 ARPA funds we have, but it would not cover the costs and we would have to levy to complete it.  We estimate the building of approximately 2 stall garage size would be about $80,000.  One side would be for regular meeting and the other side for storage of extra chairs and road signs.  The storage area could potentially be used if we ever have to go back to in person voting.  The residents did not like the idea of a townhall and thought we should pursue the church option.  Scott will bring it up to the council and we will go from there.  Mark did bring up concerns regarding the mail ballot election process due to hearing about fraud and etc in the media.  The board doesn’t see it changing at this time due to better voter turnouts and less cost to the township.  Most residents really seem to like it at this point.  If anyone is uncomfortable mailing their ballot then can turn them in at the courthouse.

Todd motioned to adjourn for tonight and revisit the road and bridge on September 11, 2023 to set that levy.  Second by Scott.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Rana Holmer, Clerk