Meeting Minutes April 2021
Evergreen Township Minutes April 12, 2021
The Evergreen Township Board met April 12th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana Holmer’s. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, & Scott Ulschmid. Steve Wilkowski Jr was absent.
Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $150,547.64. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $34.48 for electric at town hall, Frazee Forum $18.20 for Annual Meeting Notice, Wolf Lake Rescue $1750.00 for annual donation, Frazee Rescue $800 for annual donation, Dan Oelfke $1925.00 for road blading and PERA $182.50 for qrtly DCP. No need to transfer money as there is enough in the checking account to cover bills. All present in favor.
Steve contacted Todd & Scott regarding Ron Perrine possibly coming to the meeting regarding an increase in his property taxes. Todd did some checking on the Becker County Website and it appears he has lost homestead on the property on Balsam Ave and on the property in Silverleaf Township, possibly due to the other home and property he purchased on Cty Rd 41 that his son lives in. Steve will let him know and if he has more questions he will maybe be at the meeting.
Todd reported Merle had called and wanted to start hauling. He started on 150th st off of Cty 39 and east mile on 120th st by Rux’s- 1000 yds. Todd also had a call from a Brown County, Northstar Township supervisor regarding our overweight permit. Rana emailed them a copy of our permit we give. Possibly more money for infrastructure from another Covid Relief Rescue Plan. Nothing definite yet. On 4/10 Ross Hetherington called regarding mucky spots on the 2 hills between Rader’s and his. It did have ruts and after it dried some Ross did drag it and it looked better, but could use gravel or possible ditch work to get water off the road. Todd learned during the Township training that residents could possibly get a reduction in their fire insurance rates due to the water supply access we have on Ingvalson’s irrigator. Also learned that if a beaver dam is damaging a township road we can go up to 500 ft off the roadway to take care of the issue if the landowner won’t take care of it. Also called Torey Sonnenberg on 4/12 again to remind him that we need the copy of insurance form. He will remind his insurance company to send it. The first clipping is between 6/15 and 7/15.
Dan gave a list of roads that could use gravel: Fir Ave, 410th Ave just up by Stan’s yard, 440th by Bloomer’s and 120th (Hetherington’s)90 yds from first hill all the way back to the end. Todd motion to do Fir first with 750 yds, 410th by Stan’s second, 36 yds, 440th by Bloomer’s third, 72 yds and 120th(Hetheringoton’s), 90yds forth. We can wait until the May meeting to decide on more roads, thinking 460th could use a couple inch maintenance again.
Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk