April 2019 Minutes
Evergreen Township Minutes April 8th, 2019
The Evergreen Township Board met April 8th for their regular meeting at Betty Janke’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Steve Wilkowski Jr. & Scott Ulschmid.
Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $101,006.81. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $33.40 for electric at town hall, Frazee Forum $39.20 for Annual Meeting Notice, Don Johnson $200.75 for 73 gophers, Wolf Lake Rescue $1750.00 for annual donation, Frazee Rescue $800 for annual donation, Scott Ulschmid $50 & Rana Holmer $50 for MAT All Day Spring Training. No need to transfer money as there is enough in the checking account to cover bills. All present in favor.
County Association meeting on April 11th in Detroit Lakes at 7:00 pm. Rana will drive. Everyone planning on going. Steve will probably drive himself as he will already be in town. If that changes he will let Rana know.
Todd received an overweight permit request from Aaron Skaro to haul logs from Lynae Johnson’s to Hwy 87 on 440th ave. He is planning to wait to haul once the frost leaves the road, but wants to be prepared with the permit. Rana received a request from Brett Jepson for an overweight permit for the feed company to haul to his farm on 460th ave. Supervisors were all contacted and agreed to send the permits to both parties.
Todd called Jona at the Becker County Highway Department to come steam the culvert by Litzau’s on 440th ave. He also talked to Jona regarding ditch clipping since LM Road Services no longer has the county contract they are asking us to find someone else too. Jona gave us the name of their new contractor for ditch services. Todd will call Silverleaf and see who does their ditches and call the county’s new contractor. Steve will check with Corliss, Toad Lake and Spruce Grove Townships on who does their ditches. LM Road Services will still honor our contract if we are unable to find someone else for the year.
Steve reported that Dan Oelfke called him regarding raising his rates to $100 per hour. Todd motion to raise the rate to $100 per hour. Scott second the motion. All present in favor.
Planning to do a road review before the May meeting. Probably after this weeks predicted snow. Will set up a time later and post notice 5 days prior.
Received a letter from United Community Bank regarding an option to change our business account. After reading the letter, Rana & Betty recommend leaving the account as is since the other ones require larger balances in order to receive the interest and our accounts tend to fluctuate. Todd motion to leave our bank savings account as is, second by Scott. All present in favor.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk