April 2018 Minutes
Evergreen Township Minutes April 9th, 2018
The Evergreen Township Board met April 9th for their regular meeting at Betty Janke’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Dwight Drewes & Steve Wilkowski Jr. Scott Ulschmid was absent.
Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $94,338.73. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Steve. All present in favor.
Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Steve. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $33.49 for electric at town hall, Dennis Drewes Inc $1850 for 18.5 hours of snow plowing, MN Assn of Townships $150.00 for short course training, PERA $235.00 for quarterly DCP, Frazee Forum $136.50 for Annual Meeting Notice and Todd Holmer $75 for putting wt limit signs up. Todd motion to transfer $2400.00 second by Steve. All present in favor.
Todd reported that on 3/15 Brett Jepson called for an overweight permit on 460th to haul beet pulp in for his cows. Todd informed other supervisors of request and brought permit to Brett. On 3/19 he received a call from Lowell Baumgart’s son Ray. He may need to haul some gravel out from his Dad’s property for a house he is building and was checking on a permit for that. He may try to come out by Jim Schultz’s on 110th st. He will let us know later. On 3/30 Dwight Drewes called regarding possible repair needed by Lowell Baumgart’s where Darin made a couple big ruts. On 4/3 received a call regarding a neighbor’s goats and dog running loose and coming over and eating plants and has killed some chickens. The owner was again reminded to keep his animals home and the sheriff’s office was consulted regarding the issue.
Steve reported that Merle will still be hauling this year. We will let him know how much we need once we can get a road review done.
Todd mentioned that at the short course training he consulted the attorney on the maintenance on the minimum maintenance portion of 120th due to year round residents living there. We do not have to build the road up, but do need to maintain it, which is what we all had originally thought. Todd wondered about possibly moving the Minimum Maintenance sign to over by Korth’s on 440th. Steve thought we should move the sign and put it over by Korth’s. Only issue with that is that more people may try to travel down 120th st. And we aren’t sure if road by Korth’s is designated as minimum maintenance. Rana will check the road records on that and we can decide next month. Also mentioned that at the training it was discussed regarding possibility of who would be responsible for widening of approaches and extending culvert for a farmer who has large equipment. Steve and Todd agreed that since we don’t pay for any of that now that that would be the farmer’s responsibility. Todd also mentioned that mailboxes are a township issue since they are in our right of way. We will pay attention to them on road review also. Todd will check if post office has any requirements too. Also mentioned a divet in 450th where a culvert runs under the road just south of old Rux place and Hwy 87, possibility of culvert going bad. We will keep checking it.
Dwight mentioned drifting on 100th st west of Cty Rd 39 that may need to be plowed. Steve will check tomorrow and let Dwight know.
Todd motioned to sign Wes Hegna’s assessor contract second by Steve.
County Association meeting on April 25th in Detroit Lakes at 7:00 pm. No decisions made on attending at this point. Will contact Rana or Todd is attending.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk