Evergreen Township Minutes November 13, 2017
The Evergreen Township Board met November 13th for their regular meeting at Betty Janke’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Steve Wilkowski Jr., Scott Ulschmid, Ross Hetherington & Whitney Toenies.
Steve called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $45,452.44. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Dan Oelfke $4,492.50 for 18.25 hours of road blading and 38 hrs of brush cutting ditches, Lake Region Electric $33.78 for electric at town hall, Midwest Specialties $121 for gravel on Minimum Maintenance Road by Korth’s. Todd motion to transfer $4,600 second by Scott. All present in favor.
Whitney and Ross are the new owners at end of minimum maintenance portion of 120th st. and will be living there year round. Steve informed that we will be plowing the road back to where the gates are located. He informed that we like to leave the first couple inches of snow to pack on the road in order to limit the amount of gravel that gets bladed off when plowing. Todd did talk to Dwight and he felt that it shouldn’t be a problem to plow the road, but it is going to be a learning year for all of us. We informed them to let us know if they are having any issues. They said they understand the unknown of plowing the road and are willing to work with us. Todd and Rana had spoke with Whitney on October 14th regarding plowing and issues with having to move mailbox. Todd did speak to the post office and confirmed that the mailbox must be moved up by Ken Rader’s mailbox.
Todd informed Dan on Oct. 11th to brush cut minimum maintenance portion of 120th st to help with the snow plowing there this winter. On Oct 12th Dan received a complaint from Sandy Rux regarding the ditch brush cutting leave such a mess. Todd explained why we were doing it and said Dan was still coming back to clean some of it up. She understood and did apologize to Dan and Todd. On October 13th Ken Rader called regarding brush cutting mess in ditches. He also was fine with it after Dan finished the clean up part.
Kyle King called Oct 12th for an overweight permit for Ed Jutz to haul equipment in and Feldt for hauling crushed concrete in to his driveway. Todd confirmed approval with Steve and Scott and a permit was authorized.
Todd received a call from Jim Rader on Oct 16th regarding keeping 120th plowed all winter and also mentioned that he is having issues with coming to an agreement with the new owners and his gate that they have to drive through to get to their property.
Todd received a call from Lee Ingvalson regarding the end of Balsam Ave. His son Andrew is interested in purchasing property from Walter Ueke and putting irrigation in there and would run over the old portion of Balsam, so he wanted to know if the road was still technically open. He stated that Todd Glander who owns property at the end goes through Lee’s property on the north to get to his property and isn’t using Balsam. Steve motioned to check mileage on the road and if 1.59 or less to send letters to the owners and possible new owner informing them that our records show the road is vacated and that the new owner will possibly use the old road area for agricultural purposes. Second by Todd. Rana will check mileage tomorrow.
Todd also got a call Oct 12th from owner on end of minimum maintenance portion of 440th by Korth’s regarding a soft spot in the road. It was checked out and appeared to be a hole in the road. Todd talked to Steve and then ordered some gravel to fill that in due to it being a possible safety issue.
Todd received a call Nov 13th from Dave Canoy for a overweight permit to haul a house on 460th ave later this week. Scott and Steve approve of the permit and Dave Canoy will pick it up tomorrow
Steve received a call from Brett Jepson regarding adding an approach on the east side of 460th to get to a field and wondered if a permit was needed. Steve told him no permit needed but he should make sure to check if it needs a culvert.
Rana received a letter from Corliss township raegarding our weight limit sign on 100th st. They want it removed during the time that no restrictions apply. Todd text Steve and then him and McCoy removed the sign.
Todd brought up that he is now on disability and has to be careful on how much money he makes in a month and that during our busy spring and summer quarters he ends up over the $800 amount for that month. Steve motioned to have outside hours paid monthly and to have meetings and reimbursements to still be paid quarterly. Second by Scott.
Todd and Rana brought up that Brody has finished his web development degree and is looking to build a website to use as experience on resumes or the possibility of going into business himself. He would like to do one for the township for minimal cost and could bring a prototype to the December meeting to demonstrate. Steve and Scott agreed to check out a prototype in December and feel that this is something that we would probably be doing sometime in the future anyway, since the web is where most people go for information. They asked that Brody bring any expected maintenance fees and etc to the meeting also.
Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk