Meeting Minutes September 2024
Evergreen Township Minutes September 9th, 2024
The Evergreen Township Board met September 9th for their regular meeting at St. Paul’s Evergreen Church. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid and Brett Jepson.
Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $179,313.09. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Dan Oelfke $5197.50 for 38.5 hours of road blading, Midwest Specialties $7056.00 for 504 yds of class 5 gravel, Jeff Holmer $75 for 1 beaver in Collette Creek, Wyatt Jepson $390 for 130 gophers, Vern Jorgenson $78.00 for 26 gophers, Rana Holmer $1503.00 for 501 gophers, Brody Holmer $30 for website updates, Scott Ulschmid $77.50 for cell and mileage reimburse, Brett Jepson $127.50 for cell, chainsaw and mileage reimburse, Todd Holmer $155 for cell, chainsaw and mileage reimburse, Betty Janke $50.00 for computer reimburse, Rana Holmer $125.00 for computer reimburse, PERA $365.00 for quarterly DCP, and total board wages of $2432.29. Todd motion to transfer $17,000 second by Scott, all present in favor.
Reopened the Annual Meeting to set Road & Bridge Levy: After a discussion on road conditions and increase in costs. Todd motion to go with what was suggested at the March Annual Meeting of $90,000. Scott second.All present in favor. Todd motion to adjourn Annual Meeting, Scott second, all present in favor.
Rana mentioned that the Primary election had 54 voters. Fall County Assn meeting is Thursday October 17 at 7pm. We can decide at next meeting.
Todd motion to accept our annual road mileage certification for the county at 24.080 miles, second by Scott.
Todd talked to Roger Wacker regarding his weed notice. He had Marty Wallace spray it. It appears it may need to be sprayed again next year. Roger also asked if this was the yellow weed he sees in neighboring townships, and Todd confirmed it is the same weed. On a side note, Roger actually mentioned the roads looking good this year. Merle gravelled 36 yds by Bonnie Korth’s and Dan bladed it out right away. Rory Paurus son has been seen messing around with the beaver trap by Collette Creek and by the Townhall. His parents have been informed. On 9/2 Jeff caught another beaver in Collette Creek. On 9/4 Merle done on 440th Dan has blade it out already. On 9/9 Merle called and he is planning to haul gravel next year from his pit. On 9/6 the Collette Creek culvert is plugged again!
Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn, Scott second. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk