Meeting Minutes August 2024

Evergreen Township Minutes August 12th, 2024

The Evergreen Township Board met August 12th for their regular meeting at St. Paul’s Evergreen Church.  Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Brett Jepson and  Scott Ulschmid.

Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $202,623.62 Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott.  All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows:   Dan Oelfke $5062.50 for 37.5 hours of road blading, Jeff Holmer $300 for 4 beaver in Collette Creek culvert ,LM Road Services $1,102.50 for ditch clipping & $4522.00 for ditch spraying noxious weeds, Midwest Specialties $ 10,332.00 for 558 yds of gravel at $14/yd, Rana Holmer $$1203.00 for 401 gophers, Bob Mickelson $225 for 75 gophers, M-R Sign Co $602.20 for weight limit, stop ahead and permit required signs and hardware, Frazee Forum $26.46 for Annual Meeting notice & Board wage of $350.81.  All present in favor. Todd motion to transfer $24,000, second by Scott.  All present in favor.

 Rana received a letter for the District 9 meeting on August 21st  at Thumper Pond Resort in Ottertail.  Scott might go.  Primary Election tomorrow night with Julie and Rana judging.  Tomorrow is last day for residents to file for the clerk or supervisor position.

Brett received a call from Roger Wacker regarding his weeds.  Todd will call him back as Roger thought it was about thistles, but the notice is for Common Tansy.  Brett also called Todd on 7/24 regarding Dan missing parts of 460th when blading.  Todd tracked Dan down and made him go back. Dan said he was having issues with the blade floating.  Brett said it was a good job the second time.  Dan also said he bought a 2nd snow plow.Todd reported Wild Parsnip found off 87 near 460th Ave and on 440th Ave in our ditch.  Leo got the 440th and landowner and MN DOT notified of off of 87.  Sent 2 2nd notices to the county for Spotted Knapweed.  Road Signs have arrived and Grant Graham has been notified.  Called Randy Wurst regarding gravel at Toad Lake pit.  They haven’t used any yet.  Merle is now hauling from the Toad Lake pit, so we will see how it looks on 120th st by Rux and 440th Ave south of 87.

Jeff caught beaver’s in Collette Creek culvert on 7/18, 7/23, 7/30, 8/1 hopefully that is it for awhile.  On 7/19 EOT SWCD called regarding thistle on 100th st.  Drove the road and looked and only thistle is on Corliss side as ours has been sprayed.  L & M should be out to clip it next week.  On 7/21 complaint from resident of Tansy on Engel’s.  Walked the field and noted several areas of Tansy and other noxious weeds.  They have taken care of it already.  On 7/25 Merle said he was done hauling but has time to do more if we need any.  On 7/31 Duwayne Aukes questioned why he wasn’t notified sooner on his knapweed.  Told him he had a year notice as he had the same weed last year, so he should have known what it looked like.  Also Ken Rader called regarding concern of logging trucks on 120th.  Spoke to logger, Ron Weiss,  and he signed a permit and should be done by end of August.  We also took pictures of road in case of any damage.  Todd checked south of 87 after wind storm and Brett checked north half.  Minimal to no damage in our area.  On 8/1 sent 4 notices of Tansy to residents on 120th st off of County Road 43.  Talked to Brandon at SWCD regarding lots of Tansy in Spruce Grove Township.  When Brandon came out to check the Tansy also had him check Duwayne Aukes knapweed as it doesn’t look dead yet he says he sprayed it.  Brandon agreed that if he sprayed it the spray didn’t work. On 8/9 sent 3 more 2nd notices to the County.  On 8/12 the Collette Creek culvert plugged AGAIN, so another beaver is still around.  Also contacted Aukes regarding herbicide not working.  He will come up again and spray more.  Todd also noted that our website does not have Wild Parsnip on it and since we seem to be seeing more of it we should maybe get that added.  Todd motion to update website and Scott second.  

Supervisor’s discussed gravel on 440th by Bonnie Korth’s and more gravel on 440th south of 87.  Scott motion to do 18 yds by Bonnie Korth’s and up to 400 more yds on 440th south of 87.  Brett second

 Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk