Meeting Minutes- May 2024
Evergreen Township Minutes May 13, 2024
The Evergreen Township Board met May 13th for their regular meeting at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Scott Ulschmid, Brett Jepson.
Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $178,837.47. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.
Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Scott. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Frazee Forum $26.46 for annual meeting notice, Jeff Holmer $300.00 for 4 beavers trapped in Collette Creek culvert, City of Frazee for Fire Contract and CIP fund $14,142.94, Dan Oelfke $4590.00 for 34 hours of road blading. Todd motion to transfer $6,500 to checking second by Scott, all present in favor.
Rana reported that we received a thank you from Frazee Rescue for our donation. She has filed the ARPA report for the year. There also was a letter informing of a date change for the Board of Appeal Meeting. It will now be June 18th at 6pm at the Courthouse.
Scott went to Township Day in St. Paul with Roger Winter in April.
Todd called Perham Ambulance and it is confirmed that they do not cover Evergreen Township. Called Kenny Rader and informed him. Called Ross Hetherington regarding possible logging going on by him. He said that Melgaard is planning to do it this summer and Ross is thinking of doing some this next winter. Todd got Kelly Melgaard’s number and informed him that it would be his responsibility to fix the township road if they damage it by hauling heavy loads on it during the summer. He will look into changing the logging to winter. On 4/10 moved the wt limit sign from 100th st to 120th st(east of 41), also checked and there is an unmarked culvert past Kenny Rader’s, but it looks to be damaged and not sure if it is actually needed. Merle picked up the map and will get us a new gradiation sheet. Also wondering if we should be posting all of our roads with weight limit signs. Had we not heard about the logging on 120th st we could have had some serious damage done to that road. We would need to do Cedar, 150th East of 39, Balsam Ave, 430th Ave, 110th st east and west of 39, 100th st West of 39 and 120th st East of 41. We also will need a new post on 460th as someone hit the stop ahead sign post. Todd has the sign in his turkey barn office. The cost for a weight limit sign in 2023 was $34.16 and the permits required signs were $23.60 Scott motion to do the weight limit signs, posts and new post on 460th Ave and have Grant Graham install them. Second by Brett. Todd will get the signs ordered and contact Grant Graham about installing them. Todd mentioned that Jeff has caught 4 beavers so far in the culvert on 120th st. Jeff is hoping that they are about done plugging the culvert. Todd mentioned that Dan called with a couple areas needing gravel. One was on Fir, but the location is the landowners responsibility and by Stanley Malikowski’s mailbox. Dwight Drewes also called regarding the gravel pit in Toad Lake. Todd called the owner Jeremy Howard, told him we usually haul about 3-4,000 yds every year. He quoted $8.00/yd plus we would have to find someone to haul and pay them for that. We will consider this next year. Dwight said Kurt Osterfelt does hauling.
Todd mentioned his other concern regarding the Town Hall. He thinks we need to give a deadline, so we can make budget preparations if we need to get it tore down. Todd motioned that we need to know from the Pioneer Grounds by 12/31/2024. Scott second.
Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn. Scott second. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk