Meeting Minutes- April 2024
Evergreen Township Minutes April 8, 2024
The Evergreen Township Board met April 8th for their regular meeting at St. Paul’s Evergreen Church. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer, Brett Jepson, Ken Rader, Kelly Filbrandt & Lee Ingvalson, Scott Ulschmid was absent.
Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $185,402.71. Todd made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Brett. All present in favor.
Todd made a motion to pay bills. Second by Brett. All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows: Lake Region Electric $3.22 for electric at town hall, Wolf Lake Rescue $2,000 for annual donation, Frazee Rescue $1,000 for annual donation, Becker County Auditor-Treasurer $60 for solid waste tax for 2024, M-R signs $187.53 for Hydrant signs & arrows, Dan Oelfke $1215.00 for snow plowing & $2463.00 for road blading, & Brody Holmer $30 for website update. No transfer needed this month.
Rana filed PNP reimbursement and we should see reimbursement by 6/10/24. Received a letter from Carr’s Tree Service regarding their tree removal services. Light meter was removed from the townhall, but we still owe 3.22. Letter from zoning regarding Ethan & Cassandra Thompson starting a cut flower business at 15515 Co Hwy 39. This has been approved by zoning already. Election judge training coming up for Rana & Julie. We are registered for July 16 from 5pm-7pm.
Sent a letter to Roger & Kathleen Wacker regarding them still voting in Evergreen Township. Letter was to just inform them that if they do reside on Cty Hwy 56 they should update their polling place.
Lee Ingvalson had a question regarding his tax valuation fluctuating so much between last year, this year and then the proposed for next year. The board suggested he go to the Assessor’s office to get that answer.
Ken Rader had questions regarding the $20,000 emergency fund we have. He thought we added $20,000 every year to it. We informed that we have it maxed at the $20,000 and don’t add to it unless we use some of it. He also questioned the increase in taxes and the crown in his road. He also mentioned that we are supposed to have Perham ambulance dispatched to our township and not DL. He also mentioned that Melgaard’s are planning to log their property at the end of his road this summer. Kelly Filbrandt also had questions regarding taxes and wanted to know when they would be spraying the ditches for noxious weeds, so he can protect his trees near the ditch. The board informed that the taxes have went up due to our costs going up. Also told him that Dan is working on getting the crowns down on the roads, some of it was due to adding gravel and then it being so dry and hard to get it bladed out last couple summers. Todd said we have checked into the ambulance dispatch issue a few years ago and we are not supposed to be getting Perham anymore and it is DL, but he will double check to make sure. Todd got both parties cell numbers to inform them of what he learns on ambulance service and to inform when spraying ditches.
Todd mentioned dropping hydrant signs off with Jona at the highway department and they will install them as it serves more than just our township. There will be 2 on Cty 39 and 2 on 120th st, Dwight Drewes called questioning why reclaiming 460th. Explained that most townships and the County are now reclaiming their roads. Went to the Weed Meeting in Callaway. The County Ag Inspector dropped the ball on the Common Tansy project that he was going to do in Spruce Grove, Runeberg & eastern edge of Evergreen. He is planning to do it this year.
On 4/6 Todd & Rana drove the roads to see what needs gravel this year. Todd motion to do 440th from State Hwy 87 to 100th St- 1500 yds apprx $21,000, Cedar 250 yds- apprx $3500, 120th st from Townhall to Cty Rd 41-600 yds apprx $8,400. Brett second. If we have more money left we could possibly do a little more gravel on 120th st east on Cty rd 41 to raise the road a little more.
Having no further business, Todd made a motion to adjourn. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk