Draft- Annual Meeting Minutes 2024

         Evergreen Township Annual Meeting Minutes 2024

The Evergreen Township Annual Meeting was held March 12, 2024 at St. Paul’s Lutheran CHurch at 13084 County Hwy 39.  Present was: Brandon Nelson(FFD) , Tyler King(FFD), Betty Janke, Scott Ulschmid, Todd & Rana Holmer, Brett & Erica Jepson, Eric Brainard, Mark Brainard, Donna Ulschmid, Lee & Bonnie Ingvalson, Kelly & Karen Schwarzrock & Dwight Drewes.  

The clerk called the meeting to order and requested a nomination of a moderator. Brett nominated lee Ingvalson and Todd second.  All present in favor. The agenda was updated again this year to let the guests speak first.

Tyler reported there was 8 calls in Evergreen in 2023, which most were car accidents and grass fires. They are still looking for more volunteers to join the department and have expanded the miles you live from town, so even someone from our area could join. They currently have 22 active firemen that did 1147 hours of training and 1080 extra activity hours in 2023. There was a total of 79 calls in 2023,which was up from 62 in 2022.  They have the new fire truck which a portion was paid for with a grant. They did receive a $15,000 FEMA grant and a $15,000 from the DNR for the grass truck.  They have a new grass fire rig, special rescue trailer and a water utility truck. They also bought a Hurst Combi tool that is a combination of a Jaws and a Spreader.  They commented that they really appreciated the township putting in a water hook up for them on Andrew Ingvalson’s irrigation well.  It has been used several times already.  Todd mentioned us looking at signage to help other assisting fire departments find it and they thought County Road 39 and the Fire Road would be most helpful. They were thanked for their service to our township.

The minutes from the Annual Meeting in 2023 were read by the clerk.  Todd motion to approve the minutes, second by Brett.  All present in favor.  The treasurer gave her report of all monies received, all monies paid out, and all monies on hand in savings and checking.  Balance on hand as of December 31, 2023 is $169,225.35.  Todd made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Second by Scott. All present in favor.

Road & Bridge:  Todd motioned to tentatively increase the levy to $90,000, but table the final levy approval to the September 9, 2024 regular meeting.  Scott second and all present in favor. Gravelled on 460th Ave, 430th Ave, Center portion of 120th St and east of County Road 41, a small portion of 110th st west of County 39, small portion of 440th Ave by Bloomer’s, Reshaped 460th curve, 430th Ave reshaped ditched, moved or added approaches to improve drainage, cut brush and trees out of all the ditches, sprayed noxious weeds & brush in all township ditches.  Replaced stolen road signs on 100th st, replaced damaged T sign & posts at intersection of 430th ave and 120th st.  All this was done with the help of $39,000 in ARPA money.  Possible projects for 2024:  gravel 440th ave south of State Hwy 87 to 100th st, Cedar Ave, East portion of 120th st west of Cty Rd 41, and east portion of 120th st east of County Rd 41, Juniper, spray noxious weeds & brush in ditches.

Fire & Rescue:  Todd made a motion to raise the levy to $22,500 second by Brett. All present in favor.  Todd motion to leave the donations to Wolf Lake Rescue to $2000 and Frazee Rescue to $1000.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.  

General Revenue:  Todd motion to leave the levy at $30,000.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.

Gophers:  Todd motion to leave the levy at $6,000.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.

Todd motion to leave the bounty at $3.00 with a landowner signature if the trapper is not a resident of Evergreen.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.

Newspaper:  Todd motion to leave it with the Frazee Forum.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.

Postings:  Leave the same with postings at the Town Hall and the Clerk’s house. Motion by Scott, second by Brett.  All present in favor.

Meetings:  Todd motion to leave the meeting times and locations the same.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.  All meetings at St Paul’s Lutheran Church at 7 p.m. on 2nd Monday of the month.  

Annual Meeting Location & Time:  Todd motion to leave the meeting at 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on 2nd Tuesday of March.  Second by Brett.  2025 Meeting is on March 11th. All present in favor.

Chairman Position:  Brett motion for Todd to continue as Chairman, Donna second.

Old Business:  None

New business:  Todd mentioned possibly shutting the power off at the Townhall as our intention is to either donate to the Pioneer Grounds or tear it down.  Residents agree that it is a savings and it doesn’t seem to stop vandals.  Rana figures it is a very small percentage of residents that are recycling at night.  Eric motion to disconnect the power at the townhall second by Mark.  All present in favor.  Rana will call to disconnect.

Todd motioned to adjourn for tonight and revisit the road and bridge on September 9, 2024 to set that levy.  Second by Brett.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Rana Holmer, Clerk