Meeting Minutes November 2020

Evergreen Township Minutes November 13th, 2020

The Evergreen Township Board met November 13th for their regular meeting at Todd & Rana’s home. Present were: Betty Janke, Rana & Todd Holmer,  Scott Ulschmid and Steve Wilkowski Jr.

Todd called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Betty read her treasurer’s report of money paid out, money received, money on hand in savings and checking. Balance on hand is $97,615.20. Scott made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Second by Todd. All present in favor.

Steve made a motion to pay bills. Second by Todd.  All present in favor. Bills presented for payment are as follows:  Lake Region Electric $34.03 for electric at town hall,  Dan Oelfke $1700.00 for 17 hours of road blading, LM Road Services $735.00 for fall ditch clipping, Dave Sorensen $100 for elecion judging & mileage, Rana Holmer $808.50 for 294 gophers.  Transfer not needed this month.        

        Todd reported that Tyler King from the Frazee Fire Dept stopped out and looked at the irrigator to see what hook ups they may need.  They will contact Todd regarding more of them coming out to see how to operate the irrigator per Andrew’s instructions.  Also did talk to Dwight regarding snowplowing.  Dwight thinks he needs to take the crown down on the road.  Roger Quittschreiber called Nov 4 regarding they are selling the building site on the end of Fir Ave and wanted to know where the road ends and asked about Dwight plowing in the yard.  Told him the road ends by the south shed and if he wants the yard plowed he will need to talk to Dwight about the cost of that.  Todd talked to Dan regarding the crown and he stated that for the most part the crown is at 3-4% and wouldn’t want to take it down too low or the spring thaw will stay on the road.  Todd verified the crown and agrees with Dan on the %.  Also called Jonah to see what they do on their roads over the winter and he also would not recommend blading the crown down any lower.  On Nov 4 Dan called to inform that on 440th North of 87 a resident passed him while he was blading and caught his blade with her van. The police were informed and on scene. Dan also mentioned maybe doing some ditch cleaning again.

Board of Canvas – Present all town board members.  Rana received 136 of 158 votes, 4 write ins and 18 under votes.  Scott received 132 of 158 votes, 6 write ins and 20 under votes.  Todd motion to accept the election results, Steve second.  All present in favor.

 Having no further business, Steve made a motion to adjourn.  All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Rana Holmer, Clerk